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November 2, 2005

Frozen Airman's Identity Narrowed Down

- A few more clues are coming to light about the identity of the World War II era airman found frozen in the Kings Canyon National Park last month.

The body found frozen is still a mystery, but there are some intriguing clues — an old pen, a penny, a plastic comb and three small leather-bound address books.

Forensic experts at the lab in Hawaii are more convinced he was one of four people on an Army plane that crashed not far from the Valley, in the Sierra in 1942. It's roughly in the same place climbers found the body last month.

The four military airman on board the plane were William Gamber, John Mortenson, Ernest Munn and Leo Mustonen.

Anthropologists have been working on these remains for more than a week. In Hawaii, the unsolved case is one of more than 1,000 under examination.

While there's no dead give away to the airman's identity, scientists are confident they'll eventually make a positive identification.

Family members of at least one of the possible servicemen have already spoken up, claiming the remains belong to their relative.

Scientists in Hawaii still insist they will not identify the body until they have biological proof.


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